Innovation ecosystem for the agri-food sector in Latin America and the Caribbean
Unique cooperation mechanism for co-financing science, technology, and innovation for the agrifood sector in LAC
Legal representation and partnership
The Inter-American Development Bank, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture.
Solid governance structure
Alliances and partnerships
452 partners in 33 countries
Capital of US$102 million
15 member countries
Investment in 167 innovation platforms since 1998, US$124.5 million (US$28 million direct financing)
Transform agri-food systems through knowledge to be more inclusive and sustainable with the environment and society.
Lead the regional articulation, cooperation, and dialogue strategy through sustainable co-financing of public goods initiatives that contribute to better knowledge and innovation of agri-food systems and better quality of life for society.
- Integrity
- Solidarity
- Efficacy
- Transparency
- Respect
- Strategy 1: Resilient, sustainable, farm networks.
- Strategy 2: Productive Systems, agroecosystems, and sustainable territories.
- Strategy 3: Food, nutrition, and health.
We facilitate dialogue, collaboration, and cooperation between public and private life science research and innovation institutions.
We promote sustainable cofinance of science, technology, and innovation in the agrifood sector of Latin American and the Caribbean.
We invest in multistakeholders platforms to accelerate innovation and regional public goods creation.
We build capacities to support the transformation and change of the agri-food systems to be more resilient, sustainable, and inclusive with the environment and society.
US$8.1 million
US$83.3 million
2. Sweet potato (genetic and nutrition, 1998)
Benefits: US$19,192,934
4. Pest management in potato crop (sustainable and ecological production, 2006)
Benefits: US$1,740,476
7. Cassava, sweet pepper, corn and beans (competitive value chains, 2009)
Benefits: US$508,842
2. Native potato (biodiversity and markets, 2005)
Benefits: US$204,257
5. Potato: new varieties (genetics and seed production, 2007)
Benefits: US$52,185,897
3. Musaceae (seed production and integrated disease management, 2006)
Benefits: US$785,705
6. Horticulture (sustainable production and bioinputs, 2007)
Benefits: US$906,478
Agriculture has been, is, and will be critical in all LAC economies.
The solid governance structure and the regional multi-stakeholder innovation platforms have been, are, and will be a fundamental element for the competitiveness of the agrifood sector.
The competitiveness of an economy lies in its capacity for innovation.
Strategic partnerships and collaboration are fundamental not only for increasing investments but also for strengthening sustainable impact.
family farming through initiatives and projects.