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The Sixteenth Annual Technical Monitoring Workshop “Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean” will present the progress, challenges and lessons learned across 16 ongoing projects carried out by more than 90 organizations from over 20 countries.
The workshop will take place from 1 to 3 June 2021, starting at 9 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time, Washington D.C., in virtual sessions of one hour and a half. Interpretation will be available in English.
Links to the event
June 1st
9 am United State Eastern Time, Washington D.C.
9:00 - 9:05 United State Eastern Time, Washington D.C.
Opening of the event by the Master of Ceremonies.
9:05 - 9:30 United State Eastern Time, Washington D.C.
Introduction of FONTAGRO’s and Argentina’s Officials. Pedro Bustos Valdivia (President of FONTAGRO), Viviana Alva Hart (Chief of Operations, Argentina Country Office), Manuel Otero (Director General of IICA), Susana Mirassou (President of INTA) y Luis Basterra (Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of Argentina).
9:30 - 9:45 United State Eastern Time, Washington D.C.
Presentation on Agriculture in Argentina. Susana Mirassou. (President of INTA).
9:45 - 9:50 United State Eastern Time, Washington D.C.
Closing remarks by the Master of Ceremonies.
9:50 - 9:55 United State Eastern Time, Washington D.C.
Panel 1
Closing remarks by the Moderator
Moderator: Carlos Parera, National Director of INTA Argentina
Q&A session.
Closing remarks. Eugenia Saini. (Executive Secretary of FONTAGRO).
June 2nd
9 am United State Eastern Time, Washington D.C.
9:00 - 9:05 United State Eastern Time, Washington D.C.
Opening of the event.
Arnulfo Gutiérrez. (Vice President of FONTAGRO).
Panel 2
Multi-agency cocoa platform for Latin America and the Caribbean “Cacao 2030-2050”.
Ing. Agr. Ph. D. Eduardo Chávez – ESPOL Ecuador – BIO
View presentation
Scaling up continuous improvement in organic bananas for family export (OBFX).
Ms. Sc. Domingo Rengifo – IDIAF República Dominicana – BIO
View presentation
Rice with lower GHG emissions
and less water use.
Ing. Agr. Msc. Patricia Guzmán – FEDEARROZ Colombia – BIO
View presentation
Closing remarks by the Moderator.
Moderator. Giomar Blanco (President of INIA, Venezuela).
Q&A session.
Closing remarks. Eugenia Saini. (Executive Secretary of FONTAGRO).
June 3rd
9 am United State Eastern Time, Washington D.C.
9:00 - 9:05 United State Eastern Time, Washington D.C.
Opening of the event. Executive Secretary of FONTAGRO.
Meaning of the Award.
Panel 3
Family farming,
innovation and markets.
Antrop. Mg. Francisco Rodriguez – INTA Argentina – BIO
View presentation
Technological Innovation
in Andean cacao farming.
Ing. Quím. PhD. Angelica Piedad Sandoval – Universidad de Tolima – Colombia – BIO
View presentation
Andean fruit productivity and competitiveness.
Ing. Quim. PhD. Carlos Orrego – Universidad Nacional de Colombia – BIO
View presentation
Closing remarks by the Moderator.
Moderator. Esther Esteban. (Director of INIA, Spain).
Q&A session.
Excellence Award
Voting for the Excellence Award and presentation of the Winner. Eugenia Saini. (Executive Secretary of FONTAGRO).
Closing of FONTAGRO’s Knowledge Week
Executive Committee, FONTAGRO / INTA Argentina
FONTAGRO Science Excellence Award
The 10th Scientific Excellence Award was granted to the project “Innovations for horticulture in protected environments in tropical areas”, an initiative led by AGROSAVIA (Colombia) and co-executed by IDIAF (Dominican Republic), IDIAP (Panama) and INTA (Costa Rica).
Panel 3 comprised projects carried out during the last technical execution year; these initiatives presented their goals and the products obtained so far and competed for the Scientific Excellence Award.