Livestock and Climate Change: Applied research and Knowledge

This project will contribute to build capacity on measuring GHG emissions from livestock under traditional and improved systems, and facilitate the design of mitigation strategies and the formulation of policies to promote sustainable livestock systems in Central America and the Andes.

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Development of Competitive Livestock Production Systems with Low Greenhouse Gases Emissions in Central America

Strategies to improve feed digestibility and decrease enteric fermentation resulted in lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Central America

Costa Rica – Honduras – Nicaragua – Panamá

Greenhouse Gases Emissions Andean Region

Improvements in dual-purpose dairy herds feeding (i.e., supplementation or use of preserved forage), animal genetic, irrigation, and pasture management led to lesser greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions in Bolivia was reduced, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru

Colombia – Bolivia – Ecuador – Perú

Livestock and Climate Change: Applied Research and Knowledge

The objective of this project was to create a network on livestock and climate change to exchange information, standardize methodologies, provide mutual technical support and promote collaboration.

Bolivia – Colombia – Costa Rica – Ecuador – Honduras – Nicaragua – Panamá – Perú

Latin American and The Caribbean platform for sustainable intensification of livestock production: a regional strategy for adaptation and mitigation of climate change

Twenty-five countries in Latin America and the Caribbean join forces to promote the increase of livestock productivity and the reduction of greenhouse gases, contributing to the adaptation and mitigation of climate change.
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