Foro de quito

Eugenia Saini


Coordinator: Eugenia Saini, Secretaria Ejecutiva, FONTAGRO


Willem Janssen


Moderator: Willem Janssen



Raúl Jaramillo Velasteguí

Executive Director of National Institute of Agricultural Research – INIAP – Ecuador



Political and Macroeconomic Context of Global and LAC Agriculture


Eugenio Díaz-Bonilla

Researcher at the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture – IICA/ The International Food Policy Research Institute – IFPRI


Unlocking IDB Innovation


Gonzalo Muñoz

Specialist in Rural Development at Inter-American Development Bank – IDB.



Alejandro Nin Pratt

Researcher at International Food Policy Research Institute – IFPRI


Panel 1: “Challenges and Opportunities in Agri-food Innovation: Transforming the INIAs of Latin America and the Caribbean”
Jeremías Lachman

Jeremías Lachman

Researcher at the UNU-MERIT – Maastricht – Netherlands.

Luz Oppliger

Luz Oppliger

Scientist at Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAO – ALC.

Laurens Klerkx

Laurens Klerkx

Professor at the University of Talca – Chile and at the University of Wageningen – the Netherlands.

Deissy Martínez-Barón

Deissy Martínez-Barón

Leader of Climate Action for Latin America and the Caribbean at the Bioversity-CIAT Alliance and CGIAR AgriLAC Resilient.

Hugo Chavarría Miranda

Hugo Chavarría Miranda

Manager of the Innovation and Bioeconomy Program and Executive Secretary of the Latin American Bioeconomy Network at Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture – IICA.

Panel 2. “Financing and Collaboration Strategies: Driving the Modernization of Agricultural R&D in the Region”
Diego Arias

Diego Arias

Manager in Agriculture and Food for Latin America at the World Bank.

Hernán Muñoz

Hernán Muñoz

Leader of Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – FAO.

Rubén Echeverría

Rubén Echeverría

Principal Advisor at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – BMGF.

Carmine Paolo de Salvo

Carmine Paolo de Salvo

Specialist in Rural Development at Inter-American Development Bank – IDB.

Panel 3. “Strengthening the Future of Agricultural Innovation: FONTAGRO’s Role in Modernizing R&D&I Systems”
Rodrigo Martínez Sarmiento

Rodrigo Martínez Sarmiento

Director of Research and Development of Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research – AGROSAVIA – Colombia.

Joanne Gaskell

Joanne Gaskell

Senior Agriculture Economist in the Latin America and Caribbean Unit of the Food and Agriculture Global Practice at World Bank

Eladio Arnaud Santana

Eladio Arnaud Santana

Executive Director of Dominican Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Research – IDIAF – Dominican Republic.

Hugo Chavarría Miranda

Hugo Chavarría Miranda

Manager of the Innovation and Bioeconomy Program and Executive Secretary of the Latin American Bioeconomy Network at Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture – IICA.